This is part of the Organizations and Culture course of the Universidad EAFIT in Medellin, Colombia, in which I am going to share my opinions and learnings during first semester of 2011
How this was the topic related in my exposition during the course, I want to share some pictures or symbols with you, related to the arab world as an opportunity for business:
This is the Malaysian´s Halal symbol, which is required in order to be successful when you are selling consumer products to muslims.
This a caricature where is shown, how a new finance model could be successful over others, thinking in the needs of the clients.
This is an American magazine specialized in Muslim girls, the interesting part is how they are being a more attractive every day, they are a huge consumers in our world
Mistakes that we should not make in order to don´t offend others religions.
If they only can eat at certain time, during a month of the year, we are ready to serve you in your ramadan season.
To finish i want to share this video about the Finance model:
The pictures are taken from Andres Velez Calle Expositions of Intercultural Management course at EAFIT university
What external and internal factors should be taken into account when a company decides to implement a merging strategy?
There are a lot of factor to take into account because we are talking about people integration here, and how we all know every body in this world is different and even more, if they are from different cultures, countries, values, religions, and ways to do the work. Some internal and external factors to take into account are:
Internal Factors:
The difficulty of a reconstruction of a new social identity.
The new firm must have a motivational strategy for an accurate acquisition or merge.
The development of an integration plan, with a team working on the different areas, looking for and harmonious way to work in the new team.
External Factors:
National Culture is important because these influence the corporate culture and this influences the people.
Language, in order to solve communication problems.
DigitalStudio7. (s.f.). 3D Model of Road Merging Sign By DigitalStudio7. Recuperado el 11 de 05 de 2011, de exchange3d:
I like to attach these images to make a point, where I want to show the importance of the own learning by the organizations, using a research and development department, and I want to emphasize in this because in our country the host companies does not invest enough money in this.
And this is really important because we are always taking the practices from others, and that is why we are not first, I think that in order to be first we must create new stuff, new technologies or practices, and that way we maximize our incomes and get recognition as innovators. We don’t only need to learn but also create to teach others.
KM consultek. (s.f.). Knowledge Management. Recuperado el 10 de 05 de 2011, de KM consultek:
Estrin, J. (30 de 01 de 2009). L'innovazione è la capacità di realizzare l'improbabile. Recuperado el 10 de 05 de 2011, de FONDAZIONE GIANNINO BASSETTI:
Lent, M. (2010). Knowledge Management Links. Recuperado el 10 de 05 de 2011, de Max lent comunications:
I think the way to mange people is changing from an authoritarian way to do it, to a more democratic way, in other words the followers at the organizations are more listened now days, they even have power decisions that they never had before, and I think this is the way should be, if the followers are trained to receive orders from their bosses they also should have the capacity to question their decisions in order to improve the company. Followers must react with determination, never forgetting the respect that they must have for their managers, that way they will be more motivated, and they will feel enthusiastic for doing their job, because they are take into account, their voice can change directions and can make difference.
References: Título
solutions, l. w. working together as one. livingwellsolutions.
1. What does the statement “all capitalism is crony capitalism” is referring to? Do you agree with this statement or not? Give an example.
This statement refers to the tendency of capitalist economies to rely on a set of mutual-favor relationships, which means, a group of actors owning capital means for production and commerce stablish links to help each other, not necessarily according to the law but attending to their own benefit. For example, it was clear that high executives in both banking and US government designed an aid package that ended assignating money from the contributors to ‘rescue’ big banks.
2. What is a Banana Republic? Why the author is comparing India with a Banana Republic?
According to the article, a Banana Republic is a country where economically powerful people holds great power and influence, while ‘people of lesser power’ is in constant danger if they decide to oppose the first ones. The author compares India with a Banana Republic because it seems like powerful people can do things as they desire as long as they hold big economic power.
3. Why is it problematic that in the business world “The Media” becomes a corporation?
When media becomes a corporation and starts pursuing corporate goals, central principles like credibility and impartiality of the media activity get compromised. Thus, people don’t get access to reliable, objective information.
4. In this situation, what behaviors are considered unethical for corporations, journalist and the state?
For corporations it is considered unethical to take advantage of their economic power to influence political decisions in a way that compromises the independency of governments. For journalists an unethical behavior is to ‘sell their opinion’ to corporate powers and twist the information they are giving to the citizens. Finally, it is unethical on the state’s behalf to allow this kind of influence instead of pursuing programs to benefit a majority and fulfill the voters’ expectations.
5. What can The Media, Corporations and the States do in order to behave ethically and in the benefit of the people and not their own interest. Give at least 5 good ideas.
States should promote transparency and corruption control in order to make accountability possible for citizens and be in constant observation of the public programmes and decissions. They can also regulate the participation of certain economic group on media so no particular interest can gain enough dominance of it. On the other hand, corporations should make their lobbying initiatives visible, in order to keep on pushing for legitimate objectives but make it harder to pursue illegal and unethical ones. Another useful and ethical behavior for corporations is to align their initiatives and interests to those of public interest. Finally, for journalists, an ethical behavior is to denounce unfair situations without observing the economic interests on that certain subject.
The Hindu. (2011). The Hindu. Recuperado el 06 de 03 de 2011, de The Hindu:
1. How does culture help the process of decision making in multicultural environments?
The culture is some thing very relevant at the time to make decisions because in the decision process we need information to solve the problem or approach an opportunity, or any thing else, and this should be from an environment that has a culture, which the decision maker must take into account in order to expose the right decision for the right people in the right culture.
2. Give an example of an ethical dilemma in diverse organizational contexts.
Examples of Ethical Dilemmas: Accounting: Your supervisor enters your office and asks you for a check for $150.00 for expenses he tells you he incurred entertaining a client last night. He submits receipts from a restaurant and lounge. At lunch your supervisor’s girlfriend stops by to pick him up for lunch and you overhear her telling the receptionist what a great time she had at dinner and dancing with your supervisor the night before.(Examples of Ethical Dilemmas)
Journalism/ Advertising: Your newspaper has published a report on a national study, which concluded that bottled water has virtually no health advantages over the tap water in more cities, including yours. The study included comments from local health storeowners and water distributors challenging the study. The Aqua Pure Bottled Water Company, advertising account worth over $75,000. A year, has threatened to pull its account with your newspaper unless you run another story of equal prominence, focusing on the benefits of bottled water.(Examples of Ethical Dilemmas)
Retailing: You are the buyer for a retail-clothing store. Your store has a policy of not accepting gifts. However, over the years, salesmen have offered, and other employees have accepted lunch, theater and baseball tickets. You arrive home from the office and find a new TV and DVD player on you doorstep with a note that says: “A personal gift for out long standing friendship. Enjoy it with you family in good health. The Jones Clothing Company”(Examples of Ethical Dilemmas)
References: Examples of Ethical Dilemmas. (s.f.). Obtenido de annexjudoacademy:
Farris, J. How'll we handle this? cartoonstock.
Knapp, J. Types of Decision Making. Life 123
1.How can we ensure corporations are held accountable for their actions “ethically” and “legally”? We can do that, legally by constitutional mechanisms in the different countries where the organizations should be governed by their managers under the laws parameters and it is the host country´s job to audit the enterprises behave, but when we talk about ethics that is a really complicated issue beginning on what is ethics for a corporate governor or what is it for a school teacher of primary school, or for the another corporate governor but in a country far away, so this a relative question, I think every corporation must apply what is good seen where they are established, if in china is well seen to work extra hours for less money than in the United States, why should not I do my manufacture there?
2.Should individuals (directors, employees, shareholders) bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation? Off course they must be responsible for the actions of the organizations for the good achievements and errors, but this discussion goes beyond if they must be responsible or not, it is a country´s task to have clear rules for the corporations about the responsibilities, limitations, and duties that the corporate individuals have to operate in the territory, also it is important to clarify that many countries punish the corporate individuals with sentences because of commitment of errors or crimes using organizations as the way to do it. Per example the money laundering is punished in our country with jail sentence.
3. What are the benefits of the corporate form? Could an alternative model offer these as well?
The corporate have a lot of benefits for their shareholders in terms of responsibility, when people conform a corporation, they conform a legal person that means it’s a new person that have to assume for the actions that they represent. About how responsible is the company and their managers exist a big debate, on how some thing that is not a person can take responsibilities and be blamed for actions make by humans, as I said before many countries are improving in this debate and are creating clear rules for the corporations and their individuals.
4. Search for a foreign multinational corporation that has operations in Colombia. Research if they are run under Colombian rules or regulations or if they have special regulations?
They are under Colombian regulations, but they might have some “Foreign Direct Investment” benefits that are only and exclusively to get more investment into our country, and its necessary to clarify that this benefits does not give any type of immunity for their individual´s actions, to make it even more clear any company established in Colombian territory must be aware and follow Colombian regulations.
5. Should economic efficiency (Main argument for privatization) be the primary concern for commons and public services? Are there other criteria to determine who should own or operate them?
After watch the movie I realized that there are many thing that should be handled by the public sector because take care of the public well and health, and out there are good examples of good public organizations working for the community, offering good products or services and been competitive, it is quite true that there are not a lot of them in our environment, but if exist at least one that is a prove that is possible to have healthy public enterprises, where the most important aspect is the efficiency but in service to the community.
The other criteria around is the privatization and it is a good alternative in business that doesn’t affect the welfare of the people, just because the private owners decide to gain more profits, taking decisions that can affect the community.
In conclusion I think there should be a certain mid point where the governors should decide what they give to private owners and what the state should manage in order to protect their people.