lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Religion and the organisations

How this was the topic related in my exposition during the course, I want to share some pictures or symbols with you, related to the arab world as an opportunity for business:
  • This is the Malaysian´s Halal symbol, which is required in order to be successful when you are selling consumer products to muslims. 
  • This a caricature where is shown, how a new finance model could be successful over others, thinking in the needs of the clients.
  • This is an American magazine specialized in Muslim girls, the interesting part is how they are being a more attractive every day, they are a huge consumers in our world 
  • Mistakes that we should not make in order to don´t offend others religions.
  • If they only can eat at certain time, during a month of the year, we are ready to serve you in your ramadan season.
  • To finish i want to share this video about the Finance model:

  • The pictures are taken from Andres Velez Calle Expositions of Intercultural Management course at EAFIT university 


    What external and internal factors should be taken into account when a company decides to implement a merging strategy?

    There are a lot of factor to take into account because we are talking about people integration here, and how we all know every body in this world is different and even more, if they are from different cultures, countries, values, religions, and ways to do the work. Some internal and external factors to take into account are:

    Internal Factors:
    • The difficulty of a reconstruction of a new social identity.
    • The new firm must have a motivational strategy for an accurate acquisition or merge.
    • The development of an integration plan, with a team working on the different areas, looking for and harmonious way to work in the new team.
    External Factors:
    • National Culture is important because these influence the corporate culture and this influences the people.
    • Language, in order to solve communication problems.

    • DigitalStudio7. (s.f.). 3D Model of Road Merging Sign By DigitalStudio7. Recuperado el 11 de 05 de 2011, de exchange3d:

    Organizational Learning

    I like to attach these images to make a point, where I want to show the importance of the own learning by the organizations, using a research and development department, and I want to emphasize in this because in our country the host companies does not invest enough money in this.
    And this is really important because we are always taking the practices from others, and that is why we are not first, I think that in order to be first we must create new stuff, new technologies or practices, and that way we maximize our incomes and get recognition as innovators. We don’t only need to learn but also create to teach others.

    • KM consultek. (s.f.). Knowledge Management. Recuperado el 10 de 05 de 2011, de KM consultek:
    • Estrin, J. (30 de 01 de 2009). L'innovazione è la capacità di realizzare l'improbabile. Recuperado el 10 de 05 de 2011, de FONDAZIONE GIANNINO BASSETTI:
    • Lent, M. (2010). Knowledge Management Links. Recuperado el 10 de 05 de 2011, de Max lent comunications: